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Welcome to Lawn Pasture Dog Field

Welcome to Lawn Pasture Dog Field

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Chunk enjoying the field

- Please turn up on time for your allocated session and leave on time so that you don't disrupt the next persons session. 

- Please pick up your dog poo and dispose of in the allocated bin without any plastic bags, please use the scooper provided. 

- You and your dog(s) are using the field at your own risk, the company does not take any responsibility for any: illness, injury or escaping dog(s). 

- Hill Farm is a working farm with many vehicle movements throughout the day. Please be aware when walking across to the field from the car park. 

- Please do not smoke or have fires on site. 


Maisy and Kipper in trining.

- Owners must stay with their dog(s) at all times, no dog should ever be left unattended whilst visiting. 

- Dogs must be up to date with vaccinations. 

- No dog should be on site if they are showing signs of illness. 

- Dogs need to be on a lead when entering and exiting the field and may only be released when they have entered the field and the gate is shut. 

- There is a fence around the perimeter of the field so it is secure if when you arrive you notice an issue with the fence please report this as soon as possible. Please don't let your dog dig in the field and especially near the fence. 


Lawn Pasture Dog Field is located off of the B1008, between Chelmsford and Stansted.
Hill Farm, Ford End, Church Lane, Chelmsford, CM3 1LH, England

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